Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Disapointing loss

To everyone who is a Saint's fan... Sorry about the loss! At least we made it this far! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just to make sure...

One of my favorite places

Change of Plans

I decided to rename my presentation to "Good Times". In my presentation I will basically talk about a few of my most memorable trips.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Focus of powerpoint presentation

The tittle of my presentation will be... "My Simple Pleasures". In my presentation I will talk briefly about my family, how i enjoy travelling, a few of the places I've been, what I like to do for fun and what I am passionate about.

Friend of the Animal Shelter

I encourage every one to adopt shelter pets. There are soo many dogs and cats that are in need of good homes, so if you are shopping around for a pet how about checking your local pound. For more information you can go to...CLICK HERE

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Where did my other blog go?


My first blog is not attached to what I thought was my user name. This one is! Welcome.